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Draft Order:
A lottery is conducted, the specifications of this lottery described below. The results of the lottery indicate not the players draft position, but their ranking of the order in which they get to choose which draft position they would like. Meaning, the winner of the lottery gets to chose which draft pick combination they want, then the 2nd person chooses from the remaining combinations, then the 3rd, and so on until all combinations are filled.

Draft combinations:
1-24, 2-23, 3-22, 4-21, 5-20, 6-19, 7-18, 8-17, 9-16, 10-15, 11-14, 12-13.

Lottery determination:
The field will be split into two categories, playoff teams and non-playoff teams.

The bottom six teams in the league will be guaranteed to have the top six slots (1-6) to choose combinations. The top 6 teams will then go into a lottery for slots 6-12. Outside of this, there will be no determination of possibility to land the top pick based off of finish. No teams will have any weight to them, based on where they finished, either in the regular season or in the tournament. The seventh place team will have the same chance to get the top selection as does the 12th place team. Winning either of the tournaments does not change this. In essence, all teams carry the same weight, all carry the same amount of ping pong balls.

Keeper Rules:
You have a limited # of time that you may keep a keeper. You may withhold the rights to your keepers a maximum of 2 offseasons (3 total seasons worth of Fantasy Basketball at a maximum). If, at the end of that second season you still have that player on your roster, you need to declare one of your other players that are keeper-eligible (have not been declared as your keeper the prior 2 offseasons) as your keeper. The 2 years is determined by the number of consecutive offseasons since that player has entered the league via draft, trades do not affect this. For example, if you have declared a player as your keeper for 2 seasons, trade him, then re-acquire him, you cannot declare him as one of your 2 keepers during the following offseason.

Keeper Trades:
The following season begins immediately following the final week of the season. Once the offseason begins, you do not have your entire team. You only have your two keepers. However, because of the possibility of trades, injuries, retirements, etc those two keepers are not required to be declared until a certain date as described below. While you do not have your entire team to be used for trade purposes, you may select anyone on your team as your keeper.

What this means, however, is that you only have 2 players who may be traded, and 10 draft picks. At the end of the season, you must still retain 2 players and 10 draft picks, so all trades must be of an equal pick-player relationship, and if you trade for a player, he thus becomes your keeper. This means the following trades may happen.
  1. Pick(s) for Pick(s) (maintaining equal relationship)
  2. Keeper(s) for Keeper(s) (maintaining equal relationship)
  3. Pick(s) + Keeper(s) for Pick(s) + Keeper(s) (maintaining equal relationship)

You may NOT make a trade that brings in a player, then fail to use that person as one of your keepers. The reasoning for this has been discussed at the following location:
If a player whom your trade for retires before the season begins, then in this special case you may only select one keeper, and thus not use one of your first two draft picks on one of your own players (the rounds used to place keepers on their respective teams), but select any non-keeper declared player (in essence, getting the first pick in the third round).

Lottery: September 7th
Draft Position Selection: September 14th *
Draft Date: TBA
Deadline to Declare Keepers: TBA

* Draft Position Selection must begin early, since all 12 players must select which position combination they which to select from, starting with the lottery winner. This is done because of possible delays including, but not limited to, players being unavailable for contact for a period of time. Hopefully, this will allow us enough time to get this process finished and still leave everyone with enough of a chance to start preparing their draft.

** All dates are subject to change.

Non-returning Managers:
If you decide not to return for another year, you have the ability to hand control of the team to a person whom you choose (barring league approval). However, if you do not do this in a timely enough manner where we feel that the incoming person does not have enough time to properly prepare/manage the team, then the league will find someone at their own discretion. Since this is a judgment call, it is a good idea to find a replacement for you before you quit managing your team.

League Settings:
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